Kunto-ohjaaja lihotti itsensä – uskomaton syy sai asiakkaan kyyneliin

Fitness Viihdeuutiset · Annukka Heikkilä

Kunto-ohjaaja Adonis Hill tietää miten motivoida asiakastaan. Hill laittoi oman terveytensä peliin lihottaessa itseään nopeasti yli 30 kiloa, että voi aloittaa laihduttamisprojektin samaan aikaan yhdessä asiakkaansa Alissa Kanen kanssa.

Projekti taltioitiin Fit to Fat to Fit -nimisen ohjelmaformaatin muodossa, jossa myös naispuolinen kunto-ohjaaja teki saman tempun oman asiakkaansa motivoimiseksi. Adonis Hill söi kolmen kuukauden ajan noin 8.000 kilokaloria, mikä on moninkertainen määrä siihen nähden paljonko hän kuluttaa.

Mies keräsi painoa kolme kuukautta rasvaisella ruoalla, sokerisilla herkuilla ja virvoitusjuomilla, minkä lisäksi hän lopetti kuntoilemisen kokonaan. Mies lihoi kolmen kuukauden aikana yli 30 kiloa ja sai asiakkaansakin kyyneliin, kun nainen näki pyöristyneen ohjaajansa.


Hill ja Kane aloittivat yhdessä radikaalin elämäntapamuutoksen alkamalla syömään terveellisesti ja kuntoilemaan yhdessä. 35-vuotias kunto-ohjaaja on 20-vuotiaana kärsinyt masennuksesta ja tunneperäisestä syömisestä. Hill on siis jo aiemmin myös itse käynyt elämäntapamuutoksen läpi ja laihtunut, mutta kertoi Buzzfeed-sivustolle unohtaneensa miten vaikeaa painon pudottaminen on.

#FITtoFATtoFIT 2 months prior to the show vs 4 months into it. ? How much weight did I gain? What? I was happy that I was helping another person. Had to cover the Ta-Tas … this is a PG page you know. OR AM I CRAZY for risking my life? You Pick One: A) CRAZY B) Phucking CRAZY C) ALL OF THE ABOVE Or In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” -Acts 20:35 #NowDoYouThinkMyACTSareCrazy #JustFollowingTheRulesOfGodVsMan #NotPerfect #ButImLivingInMyPurpose #FindYourPurpose #AndYouWillFindYourHapiness #RespectTheProcess #itStartsWithYou #ItsYouVsYou #GodIsSoDope YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #FitToFatToFit on @AEtv .. episode airs this week Tuesday 2/2/16 at 10/9c. PLEASE set your DVRs family … Thank you! #aetv PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!

Kuva, jonka Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis) julkaisi

#bbaResults #tbt #2015 All In One Year from left to right/top to bottom! Wtf was I thinking right? And Why? I'll tell you Why! Let's start by saying: "Life is crazy af"! But I can tell you this one thing for sure … An important part of living a happy and fulfilling life includes being part of a close-knit community where you can share, help and support people you care about. It also includes being kind to strangers, and learning to replace envy and anger with understanding and empathy. It's all about HELPING those in need "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY" (MX voice) I can't front …as a trainer it's easy to get all wrapped up in fixing your own body that you forget about helping others reach their goals. For me, when I say goals … Goals are way past just the physical. And while its important to put yourself first, its even more important to help others whenever you can. Being generous isn’t even always about altruism – becoming more generous and compassionate will have real tangible benefits in your own life. My life is so poppin because I actually give a damn about other people…. I'm telling you it's a high like no other. You gotta try this approach to life sometime #PuffPuffGive (source: KeepInspiring) #WeAreALLInThis2gether _______________________________________ I don’t want to live in the kind of world where we don’t look out for each other. Not just the people that are close to us, but anybody who needs a helping hand. I cant change the way anybody else thinks, or what they choose to do, but I can do my bit. -Charles de Lint #ButImGOINGtoChangeYourMindset1st #MentalTrainingBeforePhysicalTraining #OnlyALifeLivedForOthersIsALifeWorthwhile YOUR TURN! YOU GOT THE JUICE NOW #AdonisMovesAmerica and then…… #RespectTheProcess #itsYouVsYOU #GodBless FREE WORKOUTS: @flyfituniversity #FITtoFATtoFIT on @aetv every Tuesday 10/9c and check out my episode and all past episode on #Aetv on demand or download the app (commercial man voice) lol cc: ?MY CHAMP: @alissabethkane ?

Kuva, jonka Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis) julkaisi

@Alissabethkane Started at 308lbs. … #bbaResults {– click it! #RespectTheProcess #FITtoFATtoFIT #FitArtIsAboutSculptingTheBodyAkaCanvas Nothing beats the feeling of how proud you feel when your client @alissabethkane sends you them good 'ol progress fitting room selfies ? FALL IN LOVE WITH THE PROCESS, AND THE RESULTS WILL COME To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. -Buddha DAILY AFFIRMATIONS 1)A fit healthy person lives within me and today that person emerges 2) I cannot lose 100lbs this week but I can lose 3lbs and I AM 3) Today I'm shredding the pounds as I shred my self-doubt 4) I am Healthy, strong, beautiful and I'm doing this because I love MYSELF 5) I will be MY biggest fan 6) Today I will push to my limits so that tomorrow I can push through life! 7) I'm not going to allow haters to stop my my grind. #WeAreALLInThis2gether #AeTv @aetv #GodBless #AdonisMovesAmerica

Kuva, jonka Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis) julkaisi