Nainen jätti päivätyönsä – tekee nyt karmivan upeita maskeerauksia

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Kerroimme viime kuussa Instagramissa hämmästyttävästä Mimi Choista, joka osaa maskeerauksella luoda todella näyttäviä illuusioita naisten kasvoille. Choi esittelee Intagramin Mimles-kanavallaan äärimmäisen upeita kauneusmeikkejä ja upeita illuusioita, jotka sopisivat karmivuutensa puolesta paremmin naamiaisiin.

Mimi Choi osaa luoda meikkien avulla illuusioita siitä, että hänen kasvonsa olisi siivutettu moneen osaan.

Mimi Choi osaa piirtää kasvoille meikkien avulla niin taitavasti, että kasvoihin meikatut ylimääräiset silmätkin näyttävät täysin aidoilta. Nainen vaihtoi alaa esikouluopettajasta meikkitaiteilijaksi kolme vuotta sitten, ja näyttäisi siltä, että hänen päätöksensä oli oikea.

Close-up of the #whitetiger makeup I did on @csandny • Her eyes were actually closed here and the tiger eyes were painted right under her eyebrows. I didn't have time to take a proper photo because I had to do 5 illusions in a day for this project so I had to speed things up. A lot of you ask how I make the black so black. To prevent the black from looking shiny and to maximize depth, I normally use matte black paints. I prefer using water-based paints over creams. My favourite paints include @mehronmakeup Face & Body Makeup, @makeupforeverofficial Aqua XL Color Paints, @kryolanofficial Aquacolors and @Maccosmetics Chromacakes and Acrylics. Also, when I take a photo of the makeup, I make sure there's no light shining onto the sides of the face because any reflection will take away from the illusion of a gap. Natural lighting is always best and I never use flash to take this kind of photos. I usually just use my iPhone 7 Plus and never depend on Photoshop, other than contrasting the colors.

Henkilön MIMI CHOI (@mimles) jakama julkaisu

This is #MAKEUP on my hand 🤙🏼 • UNI #SUSHI HAND MAKEUP 🍣 using @dermaflage "Pus" applicator, and hand-painted using @kryolanofficial Aquacolors and Supracolors. Sprayed the whole hand with MAKE UP FOR EVER @makeupforeverofficial @makeupforeverca Mist & Fix for extra juiciness. #sushimakeup #unisushi #seaurchin #handpainting #handmakeup #sashimi ___________________ A lot of people ask me how I pull these things off and how I come up with these ideas. I think the reason why it works is because I literally force my ideas to happen in real life. 😅 I try not to dismiss an idea just because it seems too crazy or impossible to achieve – I try anyway. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but that's ok! Every little project that I do teaches me something new so I'm always gaining from it no matter what. I usually come up with silly ideas when I'm feeling sleepy at night, and sometimes I'll write them down so that they won't slip. My fiancé @andrewy527 also inspires me with tons of unusual ideas. This particular piece was inspired by our epic Japan trip years ago where I had the most amazing uni of my life. 👅💦

Henkilön MIMI CHOI (@mimles) jakama julkaisu