Nainen laihtui 64 kiloa – huikeat ennen ja jälkeen -kuvat

Viihdeuutiset · Annukka Heikkilä

Blake Morrow on torontolainen valokuvaaja ja kuvittaja. Hänen ystävänsä Beth oli aikeissa laihduttaa ja pyysi miestä ottamaan hänestä ennen ja jälkeen -kuvat. Beth oli menossa vatsalaukun ohitusleikkaukseen ja halusi hänestä otettavan kuvapareja ennen leikkausta ja leikkauksen jälkeen.

Morrow kertoi BuzzFeed-sivustolle innostuneensa ideasta heti. Valokuvaaja sai välittömästi ajatuksen, miten valokuvat toteutetaan ja halusi tehdä popkulttuuriset teokset, joissa samaan kuvaan liitetään sekä isompikokoinen Beth että Beth leikkauksen ja laihduttamisen jälkeen.

Beth laihtui projektinsa aikana yhteensä noin 68 kiloa ja saa kuvat näyttämään siltä kuin niissä olisi kaksi täysin eri henkilöä. Morrow vakuuttaa projektin verkkosivuilla, että Bethin vartalon kokoa tai muotoa ei ole jälkikäsitelty vaan Beth on saanut upeat kuvat aikaiseksi pelkästään omalla kovalla työllään ja huikealla painonpudotuksella.

Thanks so much for the coverage, #DesignTaxi ! This is the same person… The Beth Project: Photographer and digital artist Morrow created a series of pop culture-inspired portraits of his friend Beth, celebrating, in a playful way, her significant weight loss of 150 pounds. Morrow photographed Beth posing as two characters, her “Before” and “After” selves two years apart, and seamlessly integrated them so they appear to interact with each other within each scene. To properly communicate and celebrate Beth’s accomplishment, her body has not been digitally altered in any way. @ContactPhoto @shredridinghood @vistek #thebethproject #contact2015 #instagram #weightloss #beforeandafter #transformation @photoshop @instagram

Kuva, jonka Blake Morrow (@shootblake) julkaisi

Thanks so much for the coverage, @buzzfeed ! This is the same person… The Beth Project: Photographer and digital artist Morrow created a series of pop culture-inspired portraits of his friend Beth, celebrating, in a playful way, her significant weight loss of 150 pounds. Morrow photographed Beth posing as two characters, her “Before” and “After” selves two years apart, and seamlessly integrated them so they appear to interact with each other within each scene. To properly communicate and celebrate Beth’s accomplishment, her body has not been digitally altered in any way. @ContactPhoto @shredridinghood @vistek #thebethproject #contact2015 #instagram #weightloss #beforeandafter #transformation @photoshop @instagram

Kuva, jonka Blake Morrow (@shootblake) julkaisi

Thanks so much for the coverage, @britandco ! This is the same person… The Beth Project: Photographer and digital artist Morrow created a series of pop culture-inspired portraits of his friend Beth, celebrating, in a playful way, her significant weight loss of 150 pounds. Morrow photographed Beth posing as two characters, her “Before” and “After” selves two years apart, and seamlessly integrated them so they appear to interact with each other within each scene. To properly communicate and celebrate Beth’s accomplishment, her body has not been digitally altered in any way. @ContactPhoto @shredridinghood @vistek #thebethproject #contact2015 #instagram #weightloss #beforeandafter #transformation @photoshop @instagram

Kuva, jonka Blake Morrow (@shootblake) julkaisi

Thanks so much for the coverage, @HuffPostCanada ! This is the same person… The Beth Project: Photographer and digital artist Morrow created a series of pop culture-inspired portraits of his friend Beth, celebrating, in a playful way, her significant weight loss of 150 pounds. Morrow photographed Beth posing as two characters, her “Before” and “After” selves two years apart, and seamlessly integrated them so they appear to interact with each other within each scene. To properly communicate and celebrate Beth’s accomplishment, her body has not been digitally altered in any way. @ContactPhoto @shredridinghood @vistek #thebethproject #contact2015 #instagram #weightloss #beforeandafter #transformation @photoshop @instagram

Kuva, jonka Blake Morrow (@shootblake) julkaisi

Thanks so much for the coverage, @petapixel ! This is the same person… The Beth Project: Photographer and digital artist Morrow created a series of pop culture-inspired portraits of his friend Beth, celebrating, in a playful way, her significant weight loss of 150 pounds. Morrow photographed Beth posing as two characters, her “Before” and “After” selves two years apart, and seamlessly integrated them so they appear to interact with each other within each scene. To properly communicate and celebrate Beth’s accomplishment, her body has not been digitally altered in any way. @ContactPhoto @nikon_canada @shredridinghood #thebethproject #contact2015 #vistek #instagram #weightloss #beforeandafter #transformation @photoshop @instagram

Kuva, jonka Blake Morrow (@shootblake) julkaisi

Thanks so much for the coverage, @goodhousekeeping ! This is the same person… The Beth Project: Photographer and digital artist Morrow created a series of pop culture-inspired portraits of his friend Beth, celebrating, in a playful way, her significant weight loss of 150 pounds. Morrow photographed Beth posing as two characters, her “Before” and “After” selves two years apart, and seamlessly integrated them so they appear to interact with each other within each scene. To properly communicate and celebrate Beth’s accomplishment, her body has not been digitally altered in any way. @ContactPhoto @nikon_canada @shredridinghood #thebethproject #contact2015 #vistek #instagram #weightloss #beforeandafter #transformation @photoshop

Kuva, jonka Blake Morrow (@shootblake) julkaisi

This is the same person… Showing “The Beth Project”, part of Toronto’s 2015 Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival, showing at @vistek this May. "Photographer and digital artist Morrow created a series of pop culture-inspired portraits of his friend Beth, celebrating, in a playful way, her significant weight loss of 150 pounds. Morrow photographed Beth posing as two characters, her “Before” and “After” selves two years apart, and seamlessly integrated them so they appear to interact with each other within each scene. To properly communicate and celebrate Beth’s accomplishment, her body has not been digitally altered in any way.“ @ContactPhoto @nikon_canada @blogTO @shredridinghood #thebethproject #contact2015 @instagram #weightloss #beforeandafter #health#weightlossjourney #journey #transformation #photoshop #fridakahlo #friedakahlo

Kuva, jonka Blake Morrow (@shootblake) julkaisi